Daily Morning Skin Care


After a long night of sleep or studying, I either wake up refreshed or enervated. Either way, I always stick to the same skin care routine!

My favorite beauty products can be found at almost any drugstore, because let’s face it, high-end and low-end is like tomato and tomatoe… except my money is drained from one product. Anyways, like I said, let’s get down to business!

I like to start off with nice clean skin to work with in the morning. I wash my face with the morning burst clean & clear face wash, then I pat my face dry with a clean towel. At this point my face usually feels squeaky clean. Taking a pea size amount of my moisturizer, I make sure to cover every inch of my face with the Nutrition Science Supreme Moisturizing Vitamin E Cream 12,000 IU. After this step, my face not only feels velvety but brighter. Vitamin E has a ton of benefits including lightning acne scars, healing acne, and nourishing the skin. After these crucial steps, my face is ready for any makeup I will be applying that day!

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That’s it! That’s my daily skin care routine, it’s quick and gets the job done!


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